Usb Desktop Missile Launcher Download

Thanks to another kind web user, I finally found a link to get my USB missile launcher working again after a PC upgrade. A web archive captured the download of Dream Cheeky's software.

Active5 years, 4 months ago

There is a missle launcher that is run through USB

The software for it can be found at the DreamCheeky website

What I want to do is to be able to control this machine through my programs. So these are the problems I see:

  1. Acquire a Driver <---
  2. Interface this driver into my C# Apps (I will look at this later)

For the first part which is the most important, I have found a few linux ports of the driver, but can I use the driver that came with the program? Or can I take the linux code and build a driver in Windows?

The most helpful source I have found is the code from the NZ Mac port but I have no idea what to do with it.

Any hints and tips appreciated. It's my introduction to drivers.

EDIT - More thoughts

I get the feeling I can just call and receive USB commands. In the code of dgwilson from the NZ mac port he has this:

Does that mean there might be a USB library that will just send these commands and receive the feedback commands?

The answer

It has all been done before and is sitting and waiting at Even the stuff I was thinking of doing (WiiMote connection)!

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closed as too broad by Andrew BarberMay 13 '14 at 15:11

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

3 Answers

I just bought a Dream Cheeky Thunder Missile Launcher, which seems to be the successor to the model mentioned in the question here (and also to the model that was written for).

But I couldn't get to work with my model (yes, I used the constructor overload which lets me supply the VendorID and DeviceID, and yes, I supplied the correct IDs for my model), so I wrote my own library.

Here it is, maybe it helps other people too:

DesktopChristian SpechtChristian Specht
30.1k13 gold badges104 silver badges163 bronze badges

It looks like somebody already did the hard work for you - check out comment #8 from the link you posted:

(There's a windows .dll download and a simple API referenced there that you can use in your app.)

6,5872 gold badges32 silver badges59 bronze badges

'Retaliation' kicks ass... works like a charm and it's super simple to modify and get running...

you need to download and install a USB library access to the Python language for it to work

with this program, install the filter driver, this enables you to capture everything that is sent thru that USB port, remember which one, because it will only work if you plug it again in that specific port...

after that, just run and enjoy =)

I made some modification to my, since i have an old model of rocket launcher, it doesnt come with the 'load sequence' without firing...

the second command, fires after 'loading up', so unsuspected victims dont hear the loading sound, since it was 'pre-loaded', just the click and the missile flying...

also, with the old version of the rocket launcher, you can send values that are too high on the move command and the rocket launcher will try to do it, seems newer versions stop the base from going after some spots, older version does as well, but only when it reaches the max value, so sending move(2000000, left) will make it go all the way left and then try to keep going left, basically breaking the gears, but if it's already at the max left, it will ignore the command, so i modified the move like so:

this might seems horrible, but it's the only way to be sure it's not going over the max value when you send a move command, specially when using the 'park' command, that moves the launcher to the 0,0 position...

hope this helps someone =)

Usb Thunder Missile Launcher Software



Thunder Missile Launcher Windows Software

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