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A personal driving record can be obtained via the Oklahoma DPS. A potentially faster and more convenient option is to get a copy of your driver record from our approved partner.


Driver's License Suspension in Oklahoma

If your Oklahoma driver's license is suspended by the Department of Public Safety (DPS), you must satisfy your suspension requirements before you can reinstate your license.

The OK DPS may suspend your driving privileges for reasons including:

  • DUI convictions.
  • Failing to notify the DPS of name and address changes.
  • Insurance law violations.
  • Excess driving record points.

On this page, you'll find information about your OK driver license suspensions.

About Your Suspended License in OK

Depending on the reason for your suspension, the duration and requirements for reinstating your driver's license will vary.

If you receive 10 points or more on your driving record within 5 years, your driver's license will be suspended. The Oklahoma DPS will notify you of the duration of your suspension.

If you are convicted of a DUI or you refuse or fail a blood/breath test, your license will be suspended for 180 days to 3 years, depending on the number of DUI convictions you have.

For information about your specific suspension, please contact the Oklahoma DPS:

  • By phone at (405) 425-2424.
  • By completing an online contact form on the Oklahoma DMV website.

NOTE: If you drive with a suspended license, you may face a $500 fine and 6 months in jail.

Check Your Driver License Status

Along with higher insurance premiums, tickets and fines, driving record points can lead to a suspended license.

You can earn 4 points for violations including:

  • Reckless driving.
  • Failing to stop for a school bus.

You can earn 2 points for violations including:

  • Careless driving.
  • Speeding.
  • Racing on a public road.

You can order your Oklahoma driving record to check how many points you have.

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Suspension Hearings in Oklahoma

If you want to contest your suspended license, you can request an Oklahoma DPS administrative hearing.

To request a hearing, complete a Request for Hearing or Modified Driver’s License form and:

  • Submit it in person at the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety office located at:
      3600 North Martin Luther King Avenue
      Oklahoma City, OK 73111
  • Mail it to the address specified on the form.

NOTE: If your license has been suspended by the OK DMV for driving under the influence (DUI), you can request your hearing to be done over the phone.

Looking for a DUI Attorney?

Oklahoma Dps Driver's License

Find an attorney to help you with your DUI or license suspension.

Reinstate Your Suspended Driver's License

Your reinstatement requirements will vary depending on your violation, conviction, and suspension.

To reinstate your Oklahoma driver's license, you'll generally need to:

  • Complete the duration of your suspension.
  • Satisfy your court requirements and pay any court fines, if applicable.
  • Provide the OK DPS with an SR22 from your insurance company.
  • Pay the OK DPS license processing and reinstatement fees.

For information about your specific reinstatement requirements and fees, call (405) 425-2424 or use the online contact form on the Oklahoma DPS website. You'll need to provide your:

  • Full name.
  • Birth date.
  • Driver's license number.

Insurance Law Violation

If your driver license was suspended because you violated Oklahoma insurance laws, you'll need:

  • Proof of your current insurance policy.
  • Payment for the $350 fee. See “Fees to Reinstate Your Suspended License' below.
  • To complete your suspension requirements, if applicable.

Mail the above to the address specified on the form, OR submit it in person to the Oklahoma DPS office located at:

3600 North Martin Luther King Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73111

Oklahoma DUI Suspensions

If you refuse or fail a BAC test when arrested on suspicion for a DUI/DWI, the Oklahoma DPS will revoke your driver license. To have your license reinstated you will need to:

  • Pay the reinstatement fees.
  • Complete a Drug and Alcohol Assessment.
  • Install an ignition interlock device, depending on the circumstances of your DUI/DWI offense.

In addition to the above Oklahoma DMV penalties, if you receive a DUI conviction from the court, you may also need to satisfy court requirements, including:

  • Additional driver license suspensions.
    • May vary in length depending on the number of convictions you've had.
  • Installing an ignition interlock device in your vehicle, if you've had multiple convictions.
  • Jail time.
    • Will vary depending on the number of convictions you have had.
  • Paying fines.

For information regarding your suspended license, please contact the Oklahoma DPS or the court that processed your conviction.


Obtain a Restricted License in Oklahoma

While your drivers license is suspended, you may be eligible to obtain a modified or restricted driver's license that allows you to drive to and from work.

To request a modified Oklahoma driver's license, you'll need:

  • A completed Information for Modified Driver’s License form.
  • Payment for the $175 fee. See “Fees to Reinstate Your Suspended License' below.

Mail the above in person to the address specified on the form, OR submit it in person at the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety office located at:

3600 North Martin Luther King Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73111

NOTE: If you accept a modified driver's license, you cannot request a suspension hearing.

Fees to Reinstate Your Suspended License

The fees to reinstate your Oklahoma driver license will vary depending on the reason for your suspension. To confirm your reinstatement costs, contact the Oklahoma DPS.

It will cost you:

Ok Dps Driver Compliance Division Texas

  • $350 to reinstate your suspended license, if it was suspended for violating insurance laws.
  • $175 for a modified driver's license.

Accepted Payment Methods

Contact your local Oklahoma DPS office to confirm what payment methods they accept. There may be specific payment requirements depending on your situation:

  • Reinstatement for violating insurance laws: Cashier's check or money order payable to “Department of Public Safety.'
  • Modified driver's license:
    • Cashier's check.
    • Money order.
    • Attorney's trust account check.

CDL Suspensions in Oklahoma

Commercial driver's license (CDL) suspensions and disqualifications are regulated by both Oklahoma state and federal law.

Commercial driver federal regulations, which are controlled by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), include:

Ok Dps Driver Compliance Division Oklahoma

  • License disqualifications and fines for violating out-of-service orders.
  • Suspensions and disqualifications ranging from 60 days to life, for violations and convictions including:
    • Railroad crossing violations.
    • Speeding and reckless driving.
    • DUI/DWI convictions and leaving the scene of an accident.

For more information on federal regulations and penalties, please see the FMCSA website.

Oklahoma Compliance Division

For information about your Oklahoma CDL suspension/disqualification, please contact the OK Department of Public Safety by:

  • Completing the online contact form.
  • Calling (405) 425-2424.

For more information about your commercial driver's license, visit our Commercial Driver Center.

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